Surf spots around Famara

Playa de Famara

The perfect location for surf beginners and advanced surfers is the Playa de Famara. On this surf spot you’ll have perfect incoming waves on a beach break. This is perfect for a save surf training.

More surf spots around Famara

El Quemao

Let’s beginn with the most known and one of the worlds strongest waves: El Quemao. Who is tough enough to ride this wave schould have his nerves and his board under control. When the mass of water crushes over the volcanic rocks the wave tops the 20 feet mark. This is no place for beginners! Who is willing to ride it will find it at La Santa.


A fast and powerfull to the right breaking reef wave in shallow water. A small spot that’s fast overcrowded with only a few surfers.

“The Slab“ – Morro Negro

This wave is breaking to the left and right. On the left it needs more time to break so it’s good for some turns. This is a good wave for tube surfing aswell. This is why it’s often occupied by locals and it is tough to get in as a newbie.

La Santa

Impressive reef wave that breaks short with power. To do some turns you’ll better ride this wave to the left than to the right. Be aware of the volcanic rocks underneeth. We suggest only pros to surf here. It’s famous for locals to stand up paddle or boddy surf.

Playa de Orzola

A beach with a beach break and an pointbreak to the right. Playa de Orzola is not really famous for surf schools.

Playa de Janubio

Waves are way too powerful to surf. The volcanic rocks do the rest to advice you to not surf here.