Whether you are a beginner, advanced or pro surfer, you’ll probably need a trainer who is watching and training you to improve your skills. That’s the only way to get a better surfer.
If you are a beginner without any skills in board sports we suggest you to take part in a 5 day course. You’ll be in the water every day and make progress soon.
Yes, surfing is breath taking and you’ll have sore muscles after three days at the latest but the feeling lying on the board, starting paddling, stand up and actualy surfing the wave ist worth it a thousand times.
If you already have skills in board sports we suggest you to do it the saame way anyway. Based on how good you are you’ll be able to stand up and surf the wave easily. So if you are staying more than 1 week (what we can only advice to do) then we suggest you to take a 1 week course and take 3 following days surf course. the other 2 days you can take in the next week. Inbetween you can train and repeat on your own.
Like in any other sports you’ll gain more and more improvement with every second you are in the water. Only who is actually trying to paddle and surf the wave will get better although youtube videos are nice. 😉
We suggest to take a 3 day course for advanced surfers. There is so much more to learn. You are already staying on the board but now it’s time for the turns. Doing turns bring you to a next level, but be careful it’s a difficult one, there is plenty that you can do wrong. Posture is the most important thing. And because you can’t watch yourself staying on the board you’ll need a trainer who is watching and correcting you. Sometimes he can give you just some playfull excercises and you’ll reach your goal. The leftover 2 days you just go out and ride the waves. We suggest you to split your course. If you take courses on monday, wednesday und friday you can train in the days between and show your trainer your improvements.
There’s only one way to train for a pro: single training! Your individual needs are far to special to satisfy them in a group course training. Maybe you’ll ask for a “surfari” and ride the wave on different spots. A good surf shool will offer you to make videos so that you can watch your posture and board handling at home.
Wise saying
The best surfer out on the water is the surfer with the most fun! No matter if you are beginner, advanced or a pro.
By the way, don’t pet any sharks! 😉
(No worrys, sharks are far away from the Playa de Famara.)
Overwiev of prices
Following you’ll have a small price overwiev from the different surf schools in Caleta de Famara. Prices are for courses with a duration of 1 day, 3 days and 5 days. If you see two prices it is regarding low season and high season.
Surf school | 1 DAY | 3 DAYS | 5 DAYS |
Lanzasurf | 49 EUR | 139 EUR | 229 EUR |
CalimaSurf | 42/45 EUR | 120/130 EUR | 200/210 EUR |
ZooPark | 40 EUR | – EUR | – EUR |
Red Star | 40 EUR | 130 EUR | 200 EUR |
Costanoroeste | 40 EUR | 120 EUR | 200 EUR |
Surf San Juan | 40 EUR | 120 EUR | 180 EUR |
Clandestino | 30 EUR | 89 EUR | 125 EUR |
Lanzarote Surf | – EUR | – EUR | 200 EUR |
Famara Power | 48 EUR | 144 EUR | 240 EUR |
Santa | 50 EUR | 140 EUR | 225 EUR |
At this point we give you a hint: There is a bigger sence behint the different prices. The better the equpment and the longer the course duration the more you’ll have to pay. If you are a beginner we suggest you to pay a little more for your course. In the end it will pay off! Your goal should be to have the most possible fun with the most possible safety – and that begins with the equipment.
Booking surf courses online
With our following formular you’ll be able to send a request for a surfcourse to many surf schools at the same time. You and the surf schools don’t have to pay for this service, so don’t worry and just use the formular.